How-To Videos
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- ControlScript Programming: All Topics
- ControlScript Programming: Extron Programming Utilities
- ControlScript Programming: Data and File Handling
- ControlScript Programming: Programming Topics
- ControlScript Programming: Module Topics
- Audio: All Topics
- Audio: DSP Configurator
- Audio: AES67 Audio
- GUI Designer: All Topics
- GUI Designer: Getting started
- GUI Designer: Editing Features
- GC Pro/Plus: All Topics
- GC Pro/Plus: Getting Started and System Manager Topics
- GC Pro/Plus: Project Property Features
- GC Pro/Plus: User Interface Configuration Topics
- GC Pro/Plus: Driver Topics
- GC Pro/Plus: GlobalViewer Enterprise
- GC Pro/Plus: Configuration Palette Topics
- Installation
- Wireless
- Archive: All Topics
- Archive: ControlScript Programming
- Archive: GC Pro/Plus
- Archive: Audio
- Archive: Configuring for Control
- Archive: Installation
Installation Videos
Step-by-step tutorials of device installations and Extron software click-thru
Installation How-To Videos
The Installation "How-To" collection of videos provide comprehensive insight into AV technologies used within Extron products and detailed step-by-step product installation tutorials as well as thorough click-thru software overviews.
PVM 220 Installation Guide
Free, fully illustrated, 6-page guide providing details on every step of the installation process.
UPB 25 Installation Guide
Free, fully illustrated, 4-page guide providing details on every step of the installation process.
USFM 100 Installation Guide
Free, fully illustrated, 8-page guide providing details on every step of the installation process.
PoleVault Installation Guide
Free, fully illustrated, 40-page guide providing details on every step of the installation process.
VoiceLift Installation Guide
Free, fully illustrated, 40-page guide providing details on every step of the installation process.
Retractor Series/2 Installation Guide
Free, fully illustrated, 8-page guide providing details on every step of the installation process.
The ModuleSupport Helper Module contains several objects that can be used to aid in development of Extron Control System projects. ModuleSupport is added to new projects created using the Create New Project command of the Extron ControlScript Extension.
The ModuleSupport Helper Module contains several objects that can be used to aid in development of Extron Control System projects. ModuleSupport is added to new projects created using the Create New Project command of the Extron ControlScript Extension.
The ControlScript RoomSchedulingInterface allows a programmer to incorporate scheduled events into room control system programming.
Extron has added tools to support writing ControlScript programs in Visual Studio Code. We will install the required software (Python 3.5 and VS Code) to support then install the Extron ControlScript Extension in Microsoft Visual Studio Code and the ControlScript Deployment Utility.
SF 3PT SoundField Pendant Speaker Installation
SF 26PT SoundField Pendant Speaker Installation
Demonstration of how to customize the ShareLink Pro 1000 and ShareLink Pro 500 Standby and Connected screen images.
Using the Search feature in the “Available Commands” pane
Demonstration of how to configure the ShareLink Pro 1100 for touchless room control using an Extron OCS 100 occupancy sensor.
Import a GUI Design File when adding a Touchlink Pro touchpanel to your configuration or updating an existing user interface.
Using QR codes with Pro Series control systems. Details on Security Certificates in Toolbelt: Details on User Management in Toolbelt:
Configuring for Control videos provide direction on how to configure a legacy Extron control system with Global Configurator and GUI Configurator.
This video will demonstrate many of the features of the Extron ControlScript Extension in Microsoft Visual Studio Code including: ControlScript Documentation, AutoCompletion, Snippets, and the Create New Project macro.
Learn how to properly terminate XTP DTP 24 shielded twisted pair cable and connectors
Overview of application drawing that will be referenced throughout the Configuring for Control videos.
Using the ControlScript Extension to create a new project and modify the Project Descriptor file in VS Code.
A narrated walk-through that demonstrates how quick and easy it is to setup and configure an XTP System using the comprehensive and intuitive XTP System Configuration Software.
How to configure a NAV System using GC Plus and GC Pro
Use the Extron ControlScript Deployment Utility to Upload and Download ControlScript projects and view troubleshooting logs and messages.
Learn to install the Extron driver package and reference release notes. *Note: This video references links that are no longer active on the Extron website. For drivers, please click on the Download tab and select Control System Drivers.
Install Global Configurator and DataViewer software applications. *Note: This video references links that are no longer active on the Extron website. For software, please click on the Download tab and select Software
Export a project from Global Scripter then modify the project in VS Code using the Extron ControlScript Extension.
Using the Template Manager included in the Extron ControlScript Extension to create your own templates.
Overview and step-by-step installation of the PVM 220 PlenumVault Mounting Kit
Customizing a template for your application
Create a GUI design using Extron’s templates
New Features and Enhancements within GC Plus and Pro v3.0
Global Scripter 2.0 Workflow Enhancements
How to use driver command aliases in your configuration
How to prepare your configuration for use with GlobalViewer Enterprise
How to integrate Extron OCS 100 Occupancy Sensors into your configuration
Install GUI Configurator for layout design. *Note: This video references links that are no longer active on the Extron website. For software, please click on the Download tab and select Software.
Create custom email notifications
Configure volume control on a button using Press, Hold, and Repeat actions
Acquire the latest firmware version from Extron website. *Note: This video references links that are no longer active on the Extron website. For firmware, please click on the Download tab and select Firmware.
Step-by-step video that illustrates the installation of UPB 25 Universal Projector Bracket, including crossed-arm and standard configurations.
The Extron ControlScript Extension for VS Code provides the Extron Control System Tree that enables several features that are useful in creating, modifying, and managing Extron Control Systems from VS Code.
Step-by-step video that illustrates the installation of the Ultra Short-Throw Projector Mount and Equipment Enclosure and the Wall Mount Kit associated with WallVault Systems
Overview of required IP Settings for networked hardware.
Change the IP Address of computer for use with control system.
Step-by-step videos that illustrate the installation of a PoleVault system using the new PCM 340 - Projector Drop Ceiling Mount with Adjustable Pole, PMK 550 - PoleVault Pole Mount Kit, and FF 120 - Flat Field Speakers. In addition, this video includes a step-by-step installation of the VoiceLift Microphone and Priority Page Sensor. The videos automatically play in sequence, but can be viewed non-linearly by selecting a topic from the list.
Apply firmware upgrade through hardware default web pages.
Create a GUI design from a blank layout
How to map Room Events in your configuration
How to add eBUS Button Panels to your configuration
Set the IP Address of the USP 507 of this control system.
Step-by-step videos that illustrate the installation of the patented Retractor Cable Retraction and Management System.
Using Timers to manage and execute time-based actions
Convert layouts between touchpanel sizes
Add, remove, and replace drivers using Driver Manager
Quickly set up buttons, actions, schedules, and monitors by copying and pasting commands
Manage audio files for your project
Set the IP Address of the TLP 700TV of this control system.
Launch Global Configurator and create a new project.
Add a controller to the GC configuration.
Overview of IP Settings for GC project.
Overview of Driver Subscriptions that will provide updates for identified drivers.
Set up routine actions with a schedule
Create a toggle action button using conditional logic
How to add Serial, Ethernet and IR drivers to your configuration
Saving and building a project in GUI Designer for upload in GC Plus and Pro
Bookmarks allow for easier navigation through a ControlScript program
Configure Pro Series control processors with AV LAN ports
Ensure the availability of special fonts in a layout
Assign Serial device drivers for serial port.
Assign IR device drivers for IR port.
Assign Ethernet device drivers for Ethernet control.
Assign Relays for relay control.
Launch GUI Configurator and save a template.
Trigger actions or notifications based on specific conditions
Track a device’s power on and off status using local variables
Configure a user-defined command for an Ethernet device
Debugging tools allow for breakpoints within a ControlScript program
Route AES67 audio signals received in Dante Controller
Update the Start page template with custom graphics and text.
Change the Main SD page to represent that system.
ControlScript Pro xi version 1.3.5 and later provides support for using the Requests library to interact with HTTP resources.
Define the Input Source popup pages.
Determine the audio control required for the system.
The @event decorator is used to reference a function to a control system input.
System Properties for Processor and UI Devices are accessible with ControlScript
Overview of the confirmation popup page.
Create dynamic configurations with if-else conditional statements
How to add a mirrored touchpanel to your configuration
ControlScript offers many methods and properties within classes of the device Package that enable you display information about control system devices that can be displayed on a touchpanel or the interface in the Extron Control app.
Review of side buttons for a TLP 700 touchpanel.
Create a Help popup page for the Help button.
The IPL EXP I/O Series of control system expansion interfaces are a convenient way to put extra control ports and functionality just where you need them in your system.
Print a Project Report as reference.
Save a TouchLink layout for use in Global Configurator.
Assign a TouchLink touchpanel to controller in Global Configurator.
How to create controller groups (requires Pro Mode)
Trigger multiple actions using a macro
For debugging and troubleshooting, Global Scripter 1.1 allows Programmers to track specific variables in a ControlScript program
Extron LinkLicense for TLP Control Processor is a powerful, easy way to turn your TouchLink Pro touchpanel into a full-featured, standalone IPCP Pro xi control system.
Add the GUI Configurator layout to GC project.
Assign commands to Start page buttons.
The new ControlScript Pro xi library adds programming features that are exclusive to the IPCP Pro xi product family delivering greater flexibility for programmers developing xi series-based projects.
Assign commands to Main SD page buttons.
Configure transport controls for DVD player.
Two methods have been added to the ControlScript library allowing a programmer to save the program log to a file and restart the system.
Configure controls for Doc Cam popup page.
How to use the “Create Macro From” feature
View GUI Designer layouts directly within Global Scripter code editor
Configure the buttons of the Confirmation page.
Using return, break, and continue statements in your program to streamline flow.
Assign commands for visual feedback of screen and side buttons.
Assign commands for the display and audio control.
Using the SSLWrap method of the EthernetClientInterface and EthernetServerInterfaceEx classes.
Add information to Contact Manager for system monitoring.
Add email information for system monitoring.
Rename Dante channels for use with Dante Controller
WAV files can be used to provide audible responses and gain user attention.
Set a schedule to perform start up and shut down functions.
Upload the GUI Configurator file to touchpanel.
The map() function can be used to replace for loops more efficiently.
Upload the Global Configurator file to the controller.
Replacing the built-in print function with your own wrapped print function can aid in remote diagnostics.
Using an Ethernet Client to provide remote diagnostics capabilities
Using an Ethernet Server to provide remote diagnostics capabilities
Enabling additional remote diagnostics capabilities by using the File class to log messages
Solutions to common errors when naming objects, events and functions
Using a class object to simplify programming of multiple sliders over multiple touchpanels
Using the flexibility of the SetRange method to scale and adjust a level on a user interface
Unmute mix-points to route inputs
Considerations when programming an Extron presentation switcher with LAN and AV LAN Ports
Creating and using custom events to control a volume control port on an IPCP Pro 255, and multiple levels on an IN1806 switcher.
Using QR Codes with Extron Control Systems programmed with Global Scripter. Details on Security Certificates in Toolbelt: Details on User Management in Toolbelt:
Route Dante inputs and configure Flex inputs
Create a Class in ControlScript to replicate and simplify Huddle Room system programs
How to program a NAV system using ControlScript
Routing of virtual returns and their use as points of control
Make ControlScript events more concise using a dictionary to replace conditional statements.
Using the Timer class for repetitive deterministic tasks such as polling and counting
Mapping GUI fader controls using dictionaries to control audio levels
Routing to and from expansion bus
Using the Email class in ControlScript to send an email to a recipient in an existing contact list
How to create a dictionary and access data from it
Extending the ControlScript label class to store and retrieve a user-generated number for phone calls
Creating a shutdown timer using the ControlScript Wait class
Downloading and modifying Extron DSP Template, along with creating and merging customized templates
Implementing password protection using the ControlScript File class
Using the read and write methods of the File and RFile class objects.
Using the built-in deepcopy function to make copies of a Python object.
Program Pro Series control processors with AV LAN ports
Using For Loops in ControlScript to perform repetitive tasks while setting up the code for scalability
Methods to save information to persistent storage in ControlScript programs
Using the WakeOnLan class in ControlScript to wake a PC through an Extron control system
Creating a matching pattern to evaluate a complex string using regular expressions
Developing patterns to find matches in a response string using regular expression functions
Loading, creating, and removing Extron building blocks from a DSP configuration
Global Scripter 1.2.2 and ControlScript 2.5 allow for programming eBUS devices
The DanteInterface Class included in ControlScript Pro xi allows the programmer to control Extron Dante Devices over the Dante Audio Network.
Parsing the response from a controlled device using the regular expression module
Create, save, and recall DSP Configurator presets
Communicating with devices that utilize the SSH protocol
Mirror UI Helper Module usage examples
Using ControlScript to manage connections of a control interface
Creating configurable control points in DSP Configurator for Pro Series control systems
Parsing the response from an Extron matrix switcher using string operations and methods
Global Scripter 1.1 and ControlScript 2.4 allow for compound event decorators
To simplify troubleshooting, Global Scripter 1.1 allows for customization of Program Log Messages using the Program Log object from ControlScript
Using the JSON module to store and retrieve data
Using ControlScript to integrate programmable control processors into GlobalViewer Enterprise
Retrieving, parsing, and using XML formatted data from a web resource
Integrating Global Scripter device modules to speed up development
Using communication sheets to implement Global Scripter Modules
Using the ControlScript File class to read a phonebook CSV file