Extron Electronics Announces New Expanded Office Location in Japan
Anaheim, California (2 February 2005) - Extron Electronics is proud to announce that its office in Japan has moved to a larger facility so that the company may offer expanded services to its clients. "Extron has a long tradition of providing our customers throughout the world with cutting-edge technology backed by uncompromising service," says Lee Dodson, vice president of marketing. "This new facility enables us to expand and grow our regional support structures while fostering the level of service our customers have come to expect." The new Extron office includes a large product warehouse, significantly improving delivery times. The expanded location also includes a new repair center to provide quick turnaround of products that require service or repair. New address in Japan: Extron Electronics, Japan Kyodo Building, 16 Ichibancho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0082 Japan Telephone and fax numbers remain unchanged: TEL: +81.3.3511.7655 FAX: +81.3.3511.7656